Creating, updating and using a Process

Creating, updating and using a Process

The EdSmart Process Module lets you build administrative workflows around common processes in your school, adding automation and triggers to reduce the hands-on work of teaching and administrative staff. Schools with the EdSmart Transform package have access to this module.


  1. Create and Design a Form Template

  2. Add an Approval workflow

Once we have the Form Templates set up, we can move on to creating the Process:

  1. Create a Process Template

  2. Design the Process Template

  3. Create a Process for an activity/event using the Process Template.

Create a new Process Template

  1. From the left-hand side toolbar, select Form Processes

  2. Click on Add New to create a new Process Template

  3. Enter a Process Name and Description

  4. You can also:

    1. Assign to the dashboard to quickly Start a new Process from this Process Template from the Dashboard

    2. Select a Category to classify the Process

  5. Click Add New Process

Edit the Design of the Process Template

Only Broadcasts, Parent/Student Slips or School Forms Template types can be used in a Process.

You can add Templates sequentially (different rows) or concurrently (same row). Each Template has a relationship with at least one other Template in the Process. The very first Template (a School Form) will trigger all Form/Slip/Broadcast Templates in the next row. After that, any Form Template in a previous row can be a trigger for any number of Forms/Slips/Broadcasts in the next row, and so forth.

Between each Template, there is a Connector. Each connector has two attributes:

  • Triggers

  • Configure Data



There are two types of trigger available:

  • Field has value: When the field value meets the required criteria, it will trigger the next Form; if not, it won’t trigger the next Form. 

  • Set Days after [trigger] Form completes: once the previous Form has been completed you can set it to trigger a number of days after (immediately or up to 30 days delay).

Configure Data:

This allows for the field values that are filled out in one Form to automatically be copied across to the next Form/Slip/Broadcast, saving you the trouble of entering the same information again in the following Form. However, this automatically copied data can still be edited in the subsequent Form/Slip/Broadcast if required.

Updating a Template’s Connector configuration will change your Process Template and can not be rolled back by selecting Cancel on the Process' Design page.

Updating Connectors automatically updates the Process Template, too.


  1. In the Process Design screen, search for the initial Form e.g. (Risk Assessment Form). Drag and place the Form into the first box to start your Process. You will then need to add all the other Templates as per your required sequence. If you need to move a Template to a different box/row, you need to Remove it (down arrow, top RHS) and add it again - you cannot drag/drop Templates after they have been placed in the Process Template.

  2. Once you have added all your Templates, you will notice the red arrows, they are the Connectors that allow you to create triggers and configure (map) data. If it’s red, it means that connection is not configured. Configured Connectors are green. Click on the first red arrow.

  3. Under the first tab, Triggers, there is a configuration for WHEN. Select Field has value and choose the condition you would like to have met in the current Form before triggering the next Form. 

  4. There is also an option for AND which allows you to configure how soon the next Form is sent once the current Form has been completed. Select Set Days after Form completes and choose when you’d like the next Form/Slip/Broadcast created.

5. Under the second tab, Configure Data, there are two columns of fields. Using the left-hand side column, we can map information from the previous Form to the right-hand side column. The aim is to match fields that output the same information allowing Users to quickly fill in the subsequent Forms. Mapped field pairs must contain the same type of information (e.g. both are Date fields, or Text fields). This is particularly important for Option List or CheckBox List fields. Not only must they be the same type, they must also contain exactly the same field values in identical order, otherwise the data will not map successfully. Select Add Field to automate more field pre-fills. Once all fields have been mapped, select Update to save the configurations and triggers that have been set up.

By default, the Process Creator (the person who initiated a particular Process) will become the Form Creator for the next Form/Slip/Broadcast triggered within the Process. This can be changed to the User in the last ‘active’ step of the Workflow* of the previous Form (triggering Form) becoming the Form Creator of the newly triggered Form within the Process. The Form Creator will be notified via email when the new Form/Slip/Broadcast has been triggered.

*NB. Send notification to Staff member/s is not an ‘active’ Workflow step.

Creating a Process from a Template

  1. Select Processes from the left-hand side toolbar, then click on Add New.

  2. Select the Form Process Template that you have previously created. 

  3. Choose a name for the Process.

  4. Select the dates you would like to start and finish the Process (usually this is the event’s date/s).

  5. Choose the Student Lists you would like to add, or type individual student names below.

  6. Start the Process and follow the prompts. Insert responses for the necessary fields for the first Form and select Save Form.

  7. Send the Form for approval/editing when ready. Once the Workflow has been completed, you can continue to the next Form/Slip/Broadcast in the Process by viewing the In Progress column and selecting the next item in the Process. Form Creators complete the Forms/Slips generated within a Process in the same manner as for individual Forms/Slips.

Our system will automatically direct Users to the most current version of any Process Template (e.g. Excursion Process), even when accessing through older links or bookmarks. This ensures all edits are made on the latest version, preventing errors from outdated Templates causing issues in triggered Forms within a Process. If a superseded version is accessed, it will appear in a read-only format and display a clear notification and a link to the current version.

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