Field Configurations in Template Designer

Field Configurations in Template Designer

Field Configurations (Conditional Fields) adds dynamic functionality to EdSmart’s forms, by altering the behaviour of the form depending on the values selected in fields. This gives Schools the ability to display only information that is essential for Parent, Student or Staff recipient, based on the selection made by them.

Field Configurations are set up via the Configuration tab in the Form Designer. It can be used in Parent or Student Slips, School Forms and Parent Initiated forms.

There are five selections:

  • The source field - the field whose value will trigger the condition
  • The operator - “is” or “is not”
  • The source field value that will trigger the condition
  • The destination field - the field that will be affected
  • The action - should be the destination field be visible, not visible, required or not required

Example: Slip for Parent to select Campus and Subjects for their child

In the form below there are questions for Campus Selection, Subject Choice and More information about an Excursion. Based on the selections made by the responder, related fields are displayed

Option Lists, Checkboxes, Yes/No Fields can be configured for the IF Section, any field can be used under the THEN Section. Below are all the conditions set for this form

Individual Fields can be configured whether to be displayed or hidden in the Form by default from the design page, also each field shows the configuration conditions used for them at the bottom


In this form, all the Campus and Subject fields are hidden by default, they will be displayed only if the Parent selects it. More information field is displayed by default and it is hidden only after the Parent says No

Campus Selection

An option list is used to display different Campus choices for Parents and the configurations are set up as below

For the field “Campus”:

  •     Operator = 'is'
  •     Field Value = 'St Kilda'
  •     Destination Field = 'St Kilda'
  •     Action = 'Visible'                       

When Parents open the Slip they just see a Campus field to select 

Here St Kilda is selected and the corresponding text field with information about St Kilda Campus is displayed 

Subject Choice

Checkboxes can be used if Schools want to display multiple fields based on the selection

Required Field

Most commonly used Field Configurations will be Yes/No as decisions can be easily made with this response. Field Configurations can also be used on the Parent Response mandatory field, apart from Visible and Not Visible another useful condition is making a field Required

In this form, Yes/No options are used in the Contact Response Field and based on the response a field is made mandatory

As you can notice, in the template and the Slip received by Parent, Name of your child is not a required field, when the option Yes is selected it became a required field

School Section

Field Configurations are also very useful for Administrators while designing a template, instead of creating a new template for minor changes in the content they can include all the information in a single template and display information based on options selected by Staff. 

Staff is using a template that has information about both Excursion and Campus selection, during the Slip creation stage both the fields are not displayed until a selection is made. Here Campus is selected and the corresponding long description field is displayed for editing and subsequently sent to Parents.

Create Form templates using the Configuration of Fields as per School's requirements, Contact Support if you need any further assistance.

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