Discovery Questionnaire

What is your school hoping to achieve using digital Forms?

Where would you like to start? What is the greatest need that can be met with a digital form?

What are your most common Forms that you send to parents that require a response?

What is the level of your staff’s knowledge and use of online digital Forms?

Survey of Key Players at the School

Who will be your key Administrator?

Who will create Templates?

Who will create Slips?

Who will send?

Who will monitor returns?

Who will export data and get it to the appropriate person(s)?

What Users are required - User/Administrators, Groups, level of authority?

Start Paper Forms Audit

Paper Forms audit spreadsheet

What templates would they like us to make?

Which of these templates can we use to teach template building?


Who needs to be trained in Template building?

Who needs to be trained in Creating Slips?

Who needs to be trained in Workflow/Approvals of Slips?

Who needs to be trained in monitoring returns?

Who needs to be trained in exporting responses?