Glossary of Terms


A feature/button that allows a User to action a series of predetermined functions.


A User permission level that gives access to all Modules/features and data. They also have access to manage permission levels for all users.


An Approver is a User in a Form workflow who is nominated to approve a Slip or Form before it is sent.

Broadcast Module

The Broadcast Module lets you send emails and/or SMS text messages to parents or students without needing a response back. You create the Broadcast in a similar fashion as sending an online Form to parents, but there is no need for them to respond. Broadcasts are great for distributing your school's newsletter or sending alerts or updates to group.

Check box list

This field allows the form responder to select multiple options from a list.


Contacts are people connected to a Student and deemed appropriate for receiving communication regarding a Student and responding on their behalf. Typically these are parents, guardians or caregivers. Contacts do not access the platform, rather they interact with the digital Form.

Contact Response

The Contact response is required for all Parent Slips. This allows the contact/student to confirm, affirm, give or deny permission, etc. There are multiple options to choose from depending on the nature of the Form.

Date Field

This field allows a User or a Contact to select a specific date from a calendar.


This feature enables the Administrator/User with template ability to design the specific predefined fields on that template.


This feature enables the Administrator/User with template ability to create a template from a selection of options. Once created the template can be designed.


The Export feature allows a user to export Slip and Form responses in a number of ways.

File Upload

This allows a user to upload a file as an attachment to the Form, such as with enrolment Forms.

Form Template

Templates Form the basic structure of Broadcasts, Slips or Forms, and Templates are selected by a user when new Broadcasts, Slips or Forms are created. Only Administrators or Users with Template access have the ability to create Templates. 

Human Body Field

This field allows a user to identify a part of the human body, which is ideal for use in incident/accident reports to identify specific injuries.


Lists enable a user to select a group of students to send a Slip to. These can be imported via data sync - e.g. year level, class lists, pastoral groups, etc. A list can also be created by selecting any students within EdSmart.  

Long description

This field allows a User or Form responder to enter large amounts of text or information.

Option list

Allows Users or Form responders to select one option from a list.

Option List - Enable "Other" Field

When using an Option List, the user has the ability to create a drop-down field that expands when a certain option is selected. When 'Enable "Other" Field' is selected, a text-only box will expand and the user has the ability to fill in relative information. This field is good for identifying relative Risk Control Measures for excursions.

Parent Slips Module

The Parent Slips Module lets you send a digital Form to a parent in your contact list connected to a student, which enables the school to give parents some information and require parents to respond to predetermined questions.

Parent Teacher Interviews

The Parent Teacher interview module allows the school to establish a Parent Teacher interview booking system. By establishing parameters, parents can opt to allow the program to “best fit” selection for their interviews or manually place appointments. Administrators, Staff and Parents can interact with the platform in real time.  

Read only text block

Similar to a long description, it allows users to write large amounts of text and can be in both School or Parent section. However, the information in this field can only be made and edited on the main Form Template. 


A dashboard screen in a specific Slip or Form page that displays all responses for that specific Slip or Form.

School Forms Module

The Internal School Forms feature allows you to send a digital Form to any or all internal school staff (Users) and enable them to complete all or part of a Form. Using workflows, you can enable multiple staff to complete the Form.


Students belong to Lists and have Contacts associated with them. They can be past, current and future students and identified as such in lists. Students do not access the platform, rather they interact with digital Forms.

Student Slips Module

The Student Slip feature lets you send a digital Form that enables the school to give the student some information and require the student to respond to predetermined questions.

Text Field

This field allows someone to enter small amounts of text or information.


In EdSmart any approved person who is allowed to access the platform to send, monitor and export Slips and Forms.

Users with Template access

This permission group is a User who has access to the Form Templates feature, which enables them to create and modify Form Templates, including workflows.

Venue Name

This field allows a user to indicate the venue of an excursion/event. If an actual venue/address is provided, a map will be displayed at the bottom of the Slip. This map is visible upon saving the Slip or Form as a draft, and when Slip is sent.


This feature enables a user to personalise their dashboard by selecting pre-designed widgets and placing them on their dashboard.


This feature enables the Administrator/User with permissions to manage Form Templates to create approval steps and add specific users to approve a Slip/Form before it is sent out. Each template can have its own workflow.