Student Attributes and Medical Alerts

Student Attributes and Medical Alerts

Student Attributes are user-defined fields of information you wish to maintain about a Student. Student Attributes are different to Contact Attributes:

  • Student Attributes are pieces of information about a Student, available to all Parent Contacts for that Student

  • Contact Attributes are fields specific to a Parent Contact. They are only visible to that Contact, and not to other Contacts for the Student

Uses for Student Attributes

In addition to being edited via the Student Profile, you can add Student Attribute fields to Templates in order to display current values, or collect Student information from Parents. Examples include Religion, Language/s spoken at home, Emergency Contact Details and Medical Information.

Student Attribute fields can be used with the following Template types:

  • School Form for Student (with or without a Parent Response)

  • Parent Initiated Forms

  • Slips

Managing Student Attributes

If you are an EdSmart Administrator, you can access Student Attributes by clicking your user name at the top right of the page, and selecting the Settings option.

Once on the Settings page, select Student Attributes. This opens up the Student Attributes view page, as shown below.


On the Student Attributes view page you can:

  • Change the Sort Order by clicking the Sort By Name button, or search for a particular Attribute by entering keywords in the Search box and clicking the Search button.

  • Click the Action button to Add a New Attribute, or to Show All and remove the effects of a search.

  • Click the Edit button at the end of each row to view the detail of a Attribute.

    • You may see this alert warning when attempting to edit a Student Attribute:

Making changes to pre-existing attributes already in use and containing values could cause confusion - tread carefully!

There are five types of Student Attribute field:

  • Standard text - a standard text field

  • Large text - essentially the same as a Long Description field: you can use formatted text, including URLs

  • List - a drop down list of options, where one option can be selected

  • Check Boxes - a list of checkboxes when one or more options can be selected

  • Date - a standard Date field

Advanced Attribute Editing Options

Attribute Required?

Is the User required to enter a value when editing a Student?

Can be Edited?

By default Attributes can be edited, either by a User updating a Student in EdSmart, or a Parent Contact updating a field on a Parent Slip. You can also make Student Attributes Read Only, so imported values cannot be updated. If the value is a web page link, it will be automatically create a clickable link when displayed - perfect for a link to an online payment page.

If you want to use the Attribute to present current information to parents and enable them to update it directly in the Slip, then you will need to select this option.

Include in Exports?

You can nominate an Attribute to always be included in exports of Parents Slips - a great way to ensure, for example, any red flags for health issues are always visible.

Assign to Activity Care?

Selecting this option will enable the Student Attribute to appear in the Activity Care tab.

Trigger Medical Alert?

You can set Student Attributes as Medical Alerts from within the EdSmart Interface. Students with medical alerts will be flagged in Slip Responses and the Student profile page to ensure staff are aware of their critical medical information when participating in activities. Learn more about  Medical Alerts here.


EdSmart Payments Additional Reference?
You can nominate this Student Attribute as an additional reference if your school uses EdSmart Payments. An example might be a family code that’s the same for all siblings for use with account reconcilliation.

Student Attributes and the Student Record

Student Attribute fields will be displayed, and can be edited, as part of a Student record:

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