Student Lists

Student Lists

Student Lists are groups of Students to whom you will be sending Slips. The Lists could be the students' home rooms, the swimming team, the brass band - whatever you like. A Student can be assigned to any one or more of the Student Lists, and you can maintain as many Lists as you like.

Viewing Student Lists

Click the Student Lists option in the main menu on the left of the page to view the Lists. You can change the Sort Order by clicking the Sort By Name button, or search for a particular List by entering keywords in the search box and clicking the search button.

Managing Student Lists via Data Sync

If you have a sync set up from your school's Student Management System, you should manage Lists from there instead, and the changes will reflect in EdSmart after the next sync.  See Synching your school's data with EdSmart for more details.

Managing Lists Manually

If you are not able to sync the required lists from your school's data, you can manage Lists in the following ways:

You can archive Student Lists that are not in active use, so they are not displayed by default. Select one or more lists by clicking the corresponding checkboxes, then from the Action drop down select Move Selected to Archive.

Click the Action button to Add a New List, or to Show All and remove the effects of a search.

Click the Edit button at the end of each row to view the detail of a Student List.

When you view the detail of a List you will also see the names of the Students assigned to the List, along with any Slips that have been sent to the List in the past.

Click the blue Add Student to List and a small window will open. Start typing the name of the Student you wish to add to the list and any matches will be displayed for you to select.

Click the blue Edit List button to update the Name and Description of a List.

Importing Lists via CSV

You can also upload Student Lists in bulk via CSV.  See this article for more details.


If you use a combination of manual / CSV upload and a data sync, keep in mind that EdSmart updates Lists via data sync if there are updates in the Student Management System to any Lists with the same Name. If you wish that manually created Lists remain static and are not overwritten by a data sync, ensure that they have a unique naming convention that is not used in the Student Management System.

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