On the day: Conducting your Interviews

As a Staff User, on the day of the relevant Parent Interviews Session, navigate to ‘My Interviews’ and select the blue ‘Go’ button

The blue ‘Go’ button is only available once bookings have been made

From here, there is a live clock setup counting Hours:Minutes:Seconds. This is so the Staff User can have this screen on their computer or laptop during the entire Parent Interview Session and keep time as they conduct the interview.

This screen also shows 2 tabs:

  • Interviews

  • Schedule

The Interviews Tab allows the User to select an individual Student or ‘Interview’ from the left-hand panel

Once an interview is selected, the Interview box turns green and advises the User of the following details:

  • The Student’s name

  • The Parent Contact(s) for the Student

  • The relevant classes the Student is in that were selected for the Session

  • Any parent comments made during Interview booking selection from the Parent/Caregiver

  • a drop-down box for the Staff User to select if the relevant parties ‘Attended’ or ‘Did not Attend’ the interview

  • Any Interview Notes the Staff User would like to fill in during the interview up to 4000 characters

The Schedule Tab provides a table overview of the interviews booked in chronological order.

This will also display relevant data submitted during the interview, regarding the attendance and interview notes written by the Staff User

At any point, the Staff User can Print this table by selecting the blue ‘Print’ button. Any data in the table will be reflected when printing.