EdSmart Platform Overview and Navigation Tools - DECYP


EdSmart is a digital platform that provides digital workflow automation, communications and data integration in schools.


  1. When you log into your school's EdSmart account, you will see the landing page and Dashboard.

  2. From here, you can begin to navigate your way around the site.

  3. The EdSmart platform is designed to simplify the user experience of managing complex workflows and information.

  4. The design is a standard SaaS layout with a main content window on the right-hand side of the screen and a navigation menu on the left.

As a School Administrator, you will also have an Admin Settings Cog in the top right corner. Phase One of the deployment of EdSmart will see the central DECYP team manage the settings functions. 

About this page:

This section of the EdSmart Help Centre has been established for Tasmanian Government schools as part of the Department for Education for Children and Young People’s (DECYP) EdSmart deployment.

If you are not part of the DECYP school group, please refer to our EdSmart Help Centre home page or connect with our Support Team via: help@edsmart.com


Please refer to our [Insert KB for site navigation]