Importing Student Lists via CSV


This may not be necessary if EdSmart is set up to automatically sync from your Student Management System nightly. Please contact your school ICT team to confirm if data is syncing into EdSmart, or contact EdSmart Support for assistance.  See this article for more information: School Data Management in EdSmart.

  You can import Student Lists into EdSmart using the following steps.

Step 1 - Prepare your import file

The data must be in CSV (comma delimited) format.  The first row of the file must contain field names which you will map into EdSmart.

Fields to include:

  • School Student ID
  • List Name (if the list does not already exist, EdSmart will create it automatically)

Note: Use a new row to represent each student - list membership.

Step 2 - Select File

Click on your user name at the top right of EdSmart, and click Import Data from the drop down menu.

Select Type of Data as 'Student Lists', tick the green 'Select File' button. Pick your CSV file. The file will be automatically uploaded.

Step 3 - Map Fields

Map the fields in your file to the Student Id and Student List fields.

Using the drop down lists next to each field, select the correct field from your import file, then click Next.

Step 4 - Wait for the Import

A message will display telling you that the import is in progress. An email will be sent to you when the data has been imported, normally this only takes a few minutes.