DE SA Subscription Upgrade

Find out everything you need to know about the numerous features and functionality available in EdSmart for our Department for Education South Australia schools.

If you want to reduce administration inefficiencies and improve community engagement at your school, submit an upgrade request by clicking here.

Upgrade Options

What is EMS - Engage?

This upgrade allows schools to streamline and automates administrative processes to reduce non-teaching tasks. Staff can initiate Forms to cover everything from professional development to leave management to incident reports.

What is EMS - Transform?

This complete EdSmart package with end-to-end excursion management using EdSmart’s Process lets you build administrative workflows around common processes in your school, adding automation and triggers to reduce the heads-on work of teaching and administrative staff.

EdSmart Payments

EdSmart Payments is an easy, tailor-made solution for collecting all types of school fees powered by School EasyPay. Schools can request parents make payments through a Parent Slip and check the status of any payments within EdSmart.

EdSmart Payments is only available on EMS - Engage & EMS - Transform.

SMS Text Messages

SMS helps schools improve their response rates for Slips sent to Parents and the view rate for Broadcasts. Combined with Broadcast templates, SMS can be a valuable part of a school’s emergency communications plan for parents, students and staff.

SMS Text Messages can be enabled for all EMS tiers upon request. (This feature is billed directly to schools)


Subscriptions Tiers & Functionality (Click on each functionality to learn more)

Functionality / Tier




SMS Text Message


EdSmart Payments

Broadcasts (Staff)



Custom School Form Template Creation


*Disabled by default, available upon request.