'Apply For/Start a New/Send a New' - the Get Started Dashboard Widget

The Apply For/Start a New/Send a New Dashboard widget provides quick links to your school's most commonly used Templates. EdSmart Administrators, or Users with elevated Permissions that includes managing Templates, can use these categories to organise the most frequently used and other important Forms, Slips and Broadcasts Templates into the appropriate action section for easy access. Officially, the widget is known as the Get Started widget.

This Widget lives in the narrow Widget column. Usually that's located on the right-hand side of your Dashboard, but it can also be below your wide Widget column if you are zoomed in or viewing your Dashboard on a narrow screen.

Adding a Template to the Widget

You can link a Template to this Widget when you create the Template, or after it's been created by using the Edit Form button.

Refer to Creating a Form Template KB article to learn more about how to create a Form Template.

To add a new/existing Template link to the Getting Started Widget, click on the dropdown menu next to the Dashboard Allocation field and select where you want the Template link to appear.

Click Save Form (existing Template) or Add New Form (new Template) at the bottom of the page when you are done. When you visit the Dashboard and check the Getting Started Widget, the Template link will now be there.

Removing a Template from the Widget

You can remove a Template link from this Widget two ways:

Option 1 - Archiving the Template:

  1. Go to Form Templates on the left menu and Search for the Template in the search bar.

  2. Check on the Template you want to Archive

3. Click on the Actions drop-down and select Move Selected to Archive Folder option

4. Now the selected Template has been Archived. If you revisit the Dashboard and check the Getting Started Widget, the Template link will no longer be there.

Option 2 - by removing the Dashboard Allocation:

  1. Go to Form Templates on the left menu and search for the Template in the Search bar

  2. Click on the Edit pencil icon next to the Template

3. The Form Template details will be displayed. Click on the Edit Form button

4. Click on the drop-down next to Dashboard Allocation and select the --Not Allocated-- option.

5. Click Save Form at the bottom of the page when you are done. Now, if you revisit the Dashboard, your Template will no longer be visible in the Widget.