Student Photos - importing, syncing and managing

EdSmart can automatically import student photos from your student management database. Thumbnails are displayed on lists of students, roll your mouse over to see a large version. Our system will automatically compress the images if required, but there is a limit to the batch size that can be processed successfully via the automatic sync.

To ensure a successful sync, we recommend no more than 400 images at a time when you are doing a system refresh or uploading images for the first time.

To speed up the process, you can request a manual sync so you don't have to wait until the overnight sync for the photos to update within EdSmart.

Sync Failure

If a sync fails (e.g. batch too large to process), those images will not automatically be uploaded the following day. This is because the sync triggers from changes to the file within the previous 26 hours. If this occurs, re-upload smaller batches of the images and request a manual sync by contacting