Limiting and Waitlisting the Number of Responses for a Slip

Many schools are using EdSmart to capture RSVPs for events and functions, for example, a Father-Son Breakfast, and usually these types of events have a limit on numbers, so you have the ability to limit the number of responses submitted.

Add/Edit a Parent Slip

When you add or edit a slip you will see a set of options called ‘Limit Responses’. By default it is set to ‘All’, meaning all recipients (parents or students) can respond to your Slip. If you change this option to ‘First’ a new field will appear where you can enter the number of responses you wish to capture. For example, if you only want the first 30 responses you would enter ’30′ into the field. You'll notice there is a text hint next to the Limit Responses fields, noting 'Only positive Responses'. This is to make it clear we're only going to count the 'Yes' responses coming back.

View Slip

When you view a Slip for which Limit Responses is set you'll find the key statistics at the top of the page are tailored to reflect the positive responses. In the example below, we have sent out 60 Slips and had 47 responses back, of which 28 are positive. Because Limit Responses is set to 30, that makes the Response Rate 93%.

List Slips

You'll see a similar statistic on the Slips List page.

When the 31st parent clicks the link in their email to respond to the Slip they will be shown a message explaining that the number of permitted responses has been exceeded.

Waitlist Responses

Along with Limiting the Responses of a Slip, you can also waitlist Responses from the Parents after a certain limit is reached.

In the above Slip, any Parent submitting a positive response after 15 responses will be put on the Waitlist and they will see the below notification when they access the Slip.

Also, With the Waitlist option set, parents can continue to submit their Slips but are clearly told they will be added to the waitlist.


Inside the responses of a Slip, the Waitlisted response is highlighted as shown below

Related Article: How can I edit the number of limited responses for a Parent Slip after it has been sent?