Searching For Slips, Broadcasts or Forms

Go to Parent/Student Slips or Broadcasts or School Forms from your EdSmart Dashboard. The Search field allows you to enter the full title or part of the title of your Slip/Form/Broadcast and search by clicking the magnifying glass (search button). This will display all the forms you have created or forms you have access to with that title.

You can also add additional variables to your search ie., by Status, by Folder, By Template Category. creating custom folders is a great way to organise your Slips/Forms/Broadcasts. This will make it easier for you to search and find an older slip from previous years. Please check our article Organise Slips and Forms into Folders for more details.

Search can be further modified by the Sort functionality. You can sort the view by Name (Slip/Form Title), Date Added, Date Time to Send, Due Date.

As of July 2020 we have also included body of the Broadcast to be included in our Search results. From now on if you search for a word in the Search box the system will return Broadcasts even if the word is inside the contents of it.