EdSmart can be integrated with eduAPP, the Digistorm School App, both for notifications of new Slips, and completion of Slip forms.
Configuration is simple, please contact EdSmart to have this feature enabled.
When a new Slip is sent to parents, a notification will show on their phone. They can tap the notification to open the Digistorm app and complete the form.
App Menus
In the Digistorm app, tap Class Info.
Now the Slips menu option is available.
Tapping this link will open a list of Students with a count of any outstanding Slips for each.
Tapping the name of a Student will open a list of Slips, with incomplete ones at the top (highlighted with a red dot), and completed Slips at the bottom (green dot).
Tapping a Slip name will open the online form from EdSmart directly in the app browser window, so a Slip can be completed and submitted, or viewed if it has already been submitted.