Data can be exported from a Parent Slip in a number of ways. When viewing the list of Slip Responses you have the following options:
Exporting responses via CSV files using the following options can take up to 15 minutes:
Export List
Export Only Student Attributes On Slip
Export Only Student Attributes Updated On Slip
These exports will be delivered in two ways:
Emailed to the user when it’s ready.
Available via the notification bell in the top toolbar.
Print List
Prints a simple list of Responses, basically the same view shown on the Responses list.
Export List
Exports the complete data set for the Slip, is emailed to you as a CSV, so easily opened in Excel.
Print Submitted Forms
Prints the submitted values for each student.
Print Forms not Submitted
Prints Slips for Students for whom the online Slip has not been submitted - can be useful if you have a parent without internet access.
Print Forms not Submitted, no email/mobile
As for Prints Slips for Students but filtered to only Parent Contacts who do not have email/mobile, which means there is no chance they will be sent an electronic notification.
Print Blank Form
Generate a print copy of the form without any specific student information, so can be handed to anyone for completion.
Exporting Only Student Attributes on Slip
Only Student Attributes that are present in a Slip will be exported in a CSV file and can be opened in Excel.
Exporting Only Student Attributes Updated on Slip
Only Parent/Student responses where Student Attributes have been updated on a Slip will be exported in a CSV file and can be opened in Excel.