Schools can now make Staff enter valid data while creating Slips and also check the data entered by Parents while they are submitting a response. This will help the administration of efficient data management and also to avoid rework.

In the Form Template design stage, Schools can set validation condition when a new Text Field is created. This is useful when Schools do not want Staff to send out Slips without accurate data like Arrival time , the time validation feature forces staff to enter the exact time when the students will be arriving. Below are few examples on how the validate value feature can be used both in School and Parent Sections

Time Validation

Number Validation

Same Validation conditions are available for text fields in Parent Section design. Staff can put conditions if they want to know the exact number of people attending an event, maximum characters that a parent is allowed to enter.

Configuring validation rules in the design stage

Notification seen by Parents if erroneous data or incorrect format is entered while submitting a response

In the below Slip, Parent would be able to submit response after correcting data to a numerical value and also the email address to the correct format

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